National Institute of Economics (NIE)

Home Contact Address Publications About Economics Future Programme


future programmes and activities of the national institute of economics (NIE)

The National Institute of Economics (NIE) has decided to bring out occasional monographs and case books on the following topics :

1.      Accountancy

2.      Accounting Reforms

3.      Actuary

4.      Adam Smith

5.      Adaptive Expectations

6.      Adverse Selection

7.      Agent in the Context of Economics

8.      Agent-based Computational Economics

9.      Aggregate Demand

10. Aggregate Supply

11. Agricultural Policy

12. Anglo-Saxon Economy

13. Appropriate Technology

14. Arbitrage

15. Aristotle

16. Arrow's Impossibility Theorem

17. Antitrust

18. Attention Economics

19. Auction

20. Austrian School

21. Autarky

22. Backward Induction

23. Balance of Payments

24. Balance of Trade

25. Bank

26. Bankruptcy

27. Barter

28. Behavioural Economics

29. Bellman Equation

30. Bequest Motive

31. Big Mac Index

32. Big Push Model

33. Bioeconomics  

34. Black Market

35. Black-Scholes

36. Bretton Woods System

37. British Enlightenment

38. Bullionism

39. Business

40. Business Cycle

41. Bertrand-Edgeworth Model

42. Canadian and American Economies Comparison

43. Capital

44. Capital Asset

45. Capital (Economics)

46. Capital Intensity

47. Capitalism

48. Capitalist Economy

49. Cartel

50. Cash Crop

51. Catch-up Effect

52. Celtic Tiger

53. Ceteris Paribus

54. Charity Shop

55. Classical Economics

56. Classical General Equilibrium Model

57. Closed Economy

58. Coase Conjecture

59. Coase Theorem

60. Cobweb Model

61. Collective Action

62. Collusion

63. Commodity

64. Commodity Markets

65. Community-based Economics

66. Communist Economy

67. Comparative Advantage

68. Comparative Statics

69. Compensating Differential

70. Competition

71. Competition Law

72. Competitive Advantage

73. Complementary Good

74. Complement Good

75. Complementarity

76. Comprehensive Income Policy Agreement

77. Computational Economics

78. Community Currency

79. Concentration Ratio

80. Consumer

81. Consumer and Producer Surplus

82. Consumer Price Index

83. Consumer Sovereignty

84. Consumer Theory

85. Consumption

86. Consumerism

87. Constitutional Economics

88. Contestable Market

89. Contract Curve

90. Contract Theory

91. Cooperative

92. Corporate Economy

93. Cost

94. Cost-Benefit Analysis

95. Cost Curve

96. Cost of Living Index

97. Cost-of-Production Theory of Value

98. Cost Overrun

99. Cost Push Inflation

100.   Cost Underestimation

101.   Cournot Competition

102.   Cross Elasticity of Demand

103.   Cultural Ecology

104.   Currency

105.   Damages

106.   Dead Cat Bounce

107.   Deadweight Loss

108.   Debt

109.   Decentralization

110.   Deflation

111.   Demand-pull Inflation

112.   Depression in the Context of Economics

113.   Devaluation

114.   Development Economics

115.   Differentiated Bertrand Competition

116.   Dirty Subsidy

117.   Disinflation

118.   Dispersed Knowledge

119.   Disposable Income

120.   Distribution (Business)

121.   Dividend Imputation

122.   Dual Economy

123.   Dynamic Programming

124.   Dynamic Stochastic General Equilibrium

125.   Ecological Economics

126.   Econometrics

127.   Economic Base Analysis

128.   Economic Calculation Problem

129.   Economic Data

130.   Economic Equilibrium

131.   Economic Geography

132.   Economic Graph

133.   Economic Growth

134.   Economic History

135.   Economic Impact of Immigration to Canada

136.   Economic Indicator

137.   Economic Model

138.   Economic Modeling

139.   Economic Policy

140.   Economic Profits

141.   Economic Problem

142.   Economic Rent

143.   Economic Reports

144.   Economic Surplus

145.   Economic System

146.   Economics Subjectivism

147.   Economics in the Middle Ages : Feudalism and Manorialism

148.   Economics of the Renaissance : Mercantilism

149.   Economics of the Age of Enlitment

150.   Economics of Classical Antiquity

151.   Economics of the Industrial Revolution : Classical Economics, Political Economy

152.   Economics Terminology that differs from common usage

153.   Economies of Agglomeration

154.   Economies of Scope

155.   Economy of Scale

156.   Economy

157.   Econophysics

158.   Ecosystem Services

159.   Ecotax

160.   Edgeworth Box

161.   Edgeworth's Limit Theorem

162.   Education Economics

163.   Efficiency Wages

164.   Efficiency Wage Hypothesis

165.   Efficient-Market Hypothesis

166.   Elasticity in the Context of Economics

167.   Electricity Market

168.   Employment

169.   Endogeneity (Economics)

170.   Endogenous Growth Theory

171.   Energy Economics

172.   Entrepreneur

173.   Entrepreneurial Economics

174.   Entrepreneurship

175.   Environmental Economics

176.   Environmental Finance

177.   Equilibrium Selection

178.   Ethical Consumerism

179.   Event Study

180.   Evolutionary Economics

181.   Exceptionalism

182.   Experience Economy

183.   Excess Burden of Taxation

184.   Exogenous Growth Model

185.   Expected Utility Hypothesis

186.   Export

187.   The Experience Economy

188.   Experimental Economics

189.   Externality

190.   Factor Price Equalization

191.   Factors of Production

192.   Factor Price Equalisation

193.   Fair Trade

194.   Fascist Economy

195.   Federal Reserve

196.   Feminist Economics

197.   Finance

198.   Financial Astrology

199.   Financial Crisis

200.   Financial Capital

201.   Financial Economics

202.   Financial Instrument

203.   Fiscal Nutrality

204.   Fiscal Policy

205.   Fisher Equation

206.   Fisher Separation Theorem

207.   Forecasting

208.   Fractional-Reserve Banking

209.   Francois Quesnay

210.   Free Good(s)

211.   Free Rider Problem

212.   Free Trade

213.   French Enlightenment : Physiocracy

214.   Friedman Rule

215.   Full-Reserve Banking

216.   Game Theory

217.   Gandhian Economics

218.   General Equilibrium

219.   Geographical Pricing

220.   Gerschenkron Effect

221.   Giffen Good

222.   Gift Economy

223.   Gini Coefficient

224.   Global Game

225.   Globalization

226.   Gold Standard

227.   Goods

228.   Good in the Context of Economics

229.   Goodhart's Law

230.   Government Debt

231.   Government-Granted Monopoly

232.   Gresham's Law

233.   Green Economics

234.   Gross Domestic Product

235.   Gross National Product

236.   Gross Value Added

237.   Growth Accounting

238.   Happiness Economics

239.   Harris-Todaro Model

240.   Hauser's Law

241.   Hedonic Regression

242.   Herfindahl Index

243.   Heterodox Economics

244.   Historical School of Economics

245.   History of Economic Thought

246.   Home Economics

247.   Homo Economics

248.   Hotelling's Law

249.   Human Capital

250.   Human Development Index

251.   Human Development Theory

252.   Human Resources

253.   Hunter Gatherer Economy

254.   Hyperinflation

255.   Imperfect Competition

256.   Implied in Fact Contract

257.   Import

258.   Import Substitution Industrialization

259.   Imputation in the Context of Economics

260.   Incentive

261.   Income

262.   Income Elasticity of Demand

263.   Income Inequality Metrics

264.   Income Elasticity of Demand

265.   Income Velocity of Money

266.   Income Tax

267.   Independent Goods

268.   Indifference Curve

269.   Individual Capital

270.   Induced Demand

271.   Industrial Organization

272.   Industrial Policy

273.   Industrial Revolution

274.   Industrialisation

275.   Interior Goods

276.   Inflation

277.   Informal Economy

278.   Informal Sector

279.   Information Asymmetry

280.   Information Economics

281.   Information Economy

282.   Infrastructural Capital

283.   Input-output Model

284.   Instructional Capital

285.   Institutional Economics

286.   Interest

287.   Interest Rate Parity

288.   International Economics

289.   International Trade

290.   International Year of Microcredit

291.   Intertemporal Choice

292.   Intertemporal Equilibrium

293.   Investment

294.   Investment Policy

295.   Investment Specific Technological Progress

296.   Invisible Hand

297.   Islamic Economics

298.   Islamic Economic Jurisprudence

299.   IS/LM Model

300.   Isoquant

301.   Ithaca Hours

302.   Jane Jacobs

303.   JEL Classification Codes

304.   Job Hunting

305.   Joint Product Pricing

306.   Just Price

307.   Kaldor-Hicks Efficiency

308.   Keynes, John Maynard

309.   Keynesian Economics

310.   Keynesian Formula

311.   Knowledge-based Economy

312.   Labour Theory of Value

313.   Labour Economics

314.   Labour Market

315.   Laffer Curve

316.   Laissez-Faire

317.   Land

318.   Land in the Context of Economics

319.   Land Value Tax

320.   Law and Economics

321.   Legal Origins Theory

322.   Lerman Ratio

323.   Limit Price

324.   Living Wage

325.   Local Currency

326.   Local Purchasing

327.   Lorenz Curve

328.   Low-carbon Economy

329.   Lucas Critique

330.   Macroeconomics

331.   Managerial Economics

332.   Marginal Cost

333.   Marginalism Revolution

334.   Marginal Rate of Substitution

335.   Marginal Revenue

336.   Marginal Utility

337.   Marginalism

338.   Market

339.   Market Anomaly

340.   Market Concentration

341.   Market Economics

342.   Market Economy

343.   Market Failure

344.   Market Form

345.   Market Power

346.   Market Share

347.   Market Structure

348.   Market System

349.   Market Transparency

350.   Marxian Economics

351.   Mathematical Economics

352.   Means of Production

353.   Measures of National Income and Output

354.   Measuring Well-Being

355.   Mechanism in the Context of Sociology

356.   Medium of Exchange

357.   Mental Accounting

358.   Menu Cost

359.   Mercantilism

360.   Mergers and Acquisitions

361.   Merger Simulation

362.   Methodenstreit

363.   Methodological Individualism

364.   Microcredit

365.   Microeconomics

366.   Minimum Wage

367.   Missing Market

368.   Mixed Economy

369.   Model Economics

370.   Model Macroeconomics

371.   Modern Portfolio Theory

372.   Modigliani-Miller Theorem

373.   Monetarism

374.   Monetary Economics

375.   Monetary Policy

376.   Monetary Reform

377.   Money

378.   Money Supply

379.   Money Creation

380.   Money Multiplier

381.   Monopoly

382.   Monopoly Profit

383.   Monopsony

384.   Monopolistic Competition

385.   Moral Hazard

386.   Moral Purchasing

387.   Multiplier Economics

388.   NAIRU

389.   Nakamura Number

390.   Nanoeconomics

391.   Nash Equilibrium

392.   National Income and Product Accounts

393.   National Gross Domestic Product

394.   Natural Capital

395.   Natural Capitalism

396.   Natural Economy

397.   Natural Monopoly

398.   Natural Resource Economics

399.   Neo-Classical Economics

400.   Neo-Keynesian Economics

401.   Neoliberalism

402.   Network Effect

403.   Network Externality

404.   Neuroeconomics

405.   New Classical Macroeconomics

406.   New Industrial Economics

407.   New Keynesian Economics

408.   Nicomachean Ethics

409.   Nobel Memorial Prize in Economic Sciences

410.   Normal Goods

411.   Okun's Law

412.   Oligopoly

413.   Oligopsony

414.   Operations Research

415.   Open Economy

416.   Opportunity Cost

417.   Output in the Context of Economics

418.   Overhead in the Context of Business

419.   Pacman Conjecture

420.   Palace Economy

421.   Parable of the Broken Window

422.   Pareto Efficiency

423.   Participatory Economics

424.   Participatory Economy

425.   Peltzman Effect

426.   Perfect Competition

427.   Perspectives on Capitalism

428.   Petrocurrency

429.   Phillips Curve

430.   Pigovian Tax

431.   Plantation Economy

432.   Planned Economy

433.   Policy Ineffectiveness Proposition

434.   Political Economy

435.   Potential Output

436.   Poverty

437.   Poverty Level

438.   Poverty Threshold

439.   Praxeology

440.   Preference

441.   Price

442.   Price Discrimination

443.   Price Elasticity of Demand

444.   Price Point

445.   Price Specie Flow Mechanism

446.   Principal–Agent Problem

447.   Primitive Communism

448.   Principles of Economics

449.   Prisoner's Dilemma

450.   Production

451.   Product Bundling

452.   Production Function

453.   Production-Possibility Frontier

454.   Production Theory Basics

455.   Productivism

456.   Productivity

457.   Profit in the Context of Economics

458.   Profit Maximization

459.   Property Rights in the Context of Economics

460.   Prospect Theory

461.   Public Choice Theory

462.   Public Bad

463.   Public Debt

464.   Public Economics

465.   Public Finance

466.   Public Good

467.   Purchasing Power Parity

468.   Quality of Life

469.   Quasi-market

470.   Quantitative easing

471.   Quantity Theory of Money

472.   Rate of Return Pricing

473.   Rational Choice Theory

474.   Rational Expectations

475.   Rational Pricing

476.   Reaganomics

477.   Real Business Cycle

478.   Real Business Cycle Theory

479.   Real Estate Economics

480.   Real Estate Investor

481.   Real versus Nominal Value in the Context of Economics

482.   Recession

483.   Regenerative Economic Theory

484.   Regional Science

485.   Regression Analysis

486.   Remanufacturing

487.   Representative Agent

488.   Repugnancy Costs

489.   Reserve Currency

490.   Resource Economics

491.   Return to Scale

492.   Ricardian Equivalence

493.   Risk Premium

494.   Risk-Free Bond

495.   Risk-Free Interest Rate

496.   Road Pricing – Robin Hood Effect

497.   Safe Trade

498.   Sales Tax

499.   Saving

500.   Scarcity

501.   School of Economic Thought

502.   Search Theory

503.   Self-Revelation

504.   Seven Generation Sustainability

505.   Shock Therapy in the Context of Economics

506.   Signalling in the Context of Economics

507.   Singer-Prebisch Thesis

508.   Slavery

509.   Social Capital

510.   Social Cost

511.   Social Credit

512.   Social Finance

513.   Social Market Economy

514.   Social Mobility

515.   Social Welfar

516.   Social Welfare Function

517.   Social Welfare Provision

518.   Socialism

519.   Socialist Economics

520.   Socioeconomics

521.   Specialization in the Context of Economics

522.   Spending Multiplier

523.   Stagflation

524.   Standard of Deferred Payment

525.   Standard of Living

526.   Stock Exchange

527.   Store of Value

528.   Strategic Complements

529.   Subgame Perfect Equilibrium

530.   Subjective Theory of Value

531.   Subsidy

532.   Subsistence Agriculture

533.   Subsistence Economy

534.   Substitute Good

535.   Sunk Costs

536.   Sunspot Equilibrium

537.   Sunspots in the Context of Economics

538.   Supermodular Function

539.   Supply and Demand

540.   Supply-side Economics

541.   Surplus Value

542.   Sustainable Competitive Advantage

543.   Sustainable Development

544.   Sweatshop

545.   Tableau Economique

546.   Tariff

547.   Tax

548.   Tax, Tariff and Trade

549.   Taylor Rule

550.   Technostructure

551.   Terms of Trade

552.   Theory of the Firm

553.   Thermoeconomics

554.   Time-Based Currency

555.   Time Preference Theory of Interest

556.   Time Value of Money

557.   Token Economy

558.   Total Cost of Ownership

559.   The Theory of Moral Sentiments by Adam Smith

560.   Trade

561.   Trade Bloc

562.   Trade Facilitation

563.   Trade Pact

564.   Trader Ethic

565.   Traditional Economy

566.   Tragedy of the Anticommons

567.   Tragedy of the Commons

568.   Transaction Cost

569.   Transition Economy

570.   Transfer Payment

571.   Transfer Pricing

572.   Transformation Problem

573.   Transparency in the Context of Market

574.   Transport Economics

575.   Triple Bottom Line

576.   Trust in the Context of Economics

577.   Trust in the Context of Social Sciences

578.   Two-Part Tariff – Tying in the Context of Commerce

579.   Underground Economy

580.   Uneconomic Growth

581.   Unemployment

582.   UN Human Development Index

583.   Unit of Account

584.   Utilitarianism

585.   Utility

586.   Utility Maximization Problem

587.   Value

588.   Value in the Context of Economics

589.   Value Added

590.   Value Added Tax

591.   Value of Earth

592.   Value of Life

593.   Veblen Good

594.   Velocity of Money

595.   Virtual Economy

596.   Virtuous Circle and Vicious Circle

597.   Wage

598.   Wage Rate

599.   Wealth

600.   Wealth Effect

601.   Wealth of Nations

602.   Welfare Economics

603.   World Economy

604.   Workers' Self-Management

605.   X-Efficiency

606.   Yield

607.   Yield in the Context of Finance

608.   YOYO Economics

609.   Zero Sum Game

610.   Zero-Sum

611.   Zone Pricing



Home Contact Address Publications About Economics Future Programme
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